Romie Nottage




Romie has over 16 years of leadership experience in crisis residential, transitional, and supportive housing programs, providing support to clinical teams working with marginalized communities. She most recently worked at Downtown Streets Team, where she supported the creation of Streets Team Enterprises, a social enterprise employing individuals who are unhoused or previously incarcerated. Romie has also served in various roles in institutionalized settings such as Napa State Hospital, San Quentin State Prison, and Acute Diversion Units. She believes that services, workforce development, and supportive housing should be a "soft place to land" for anyone having a tough time stabilizing their life. Romie created the T.R.E.E Method, which stands for Transformative Recovery through Evolutionary Exploration and is a modality focused on recognizing one’s self-identity while healing the trauma of lifelong incarceration and embracing individuality. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Arizona State University and a master’s degree in integral counseling psychology from The California Institute of Integral Studies. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a mother of two, and a wife. She loves to Mind Map and transform any environment from “blah” to “ta-da!”.